Friday, January 18, 2013

I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything 
If you see the wonder of the fairy tale 
You can take the future even if you fail 
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy, to help me through reality 

And my destination makes it worth the while 
Pushing through the darkness still another mile 
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream  
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything 

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 
You can take the future even if you fail 
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see 
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me 
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream 
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

Sunday, October 21, 2012

This time, dance....

“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.”
― Rumi
 I used to dance. I guess, I needed to. To vent out the shit I had in my head. I was in the middle of the fighting and they used to let me dance with them, so  I did, a lot! I did not quite dance when I was all free. I should have. 
Now, I want to dance but Rumi did not mention shit about Dancing when one is confused in his own head. I am. What should I do? I would like to dance again, but where do I find the people to dance with? Where have all the dancers gone? I can't say I love salsa either, or else I would have joined some salsa class by now. I would like to do some contemporary. I would love to perform again, in front of thousands of people. How do I do that? 
IIT has spoilt me, it made performing in front of 5000 people, come so easy to me.... How do I get there this time?

I'll probably keep looking for the answers to the questions ( in my head that keep me confused) and for the opportunities to dance........ Thanks Rumi for missing a part in your saying and letting me come up with it on my own.

Dance, when you are confused.
Dance, when there is nothing important.
Dance if you want to.
Dance if you can. 
Dance with the lights.
Dance with the sounds.
Dance again....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Dreamer!!!

What would a dreamer think? The question answers itself. He wont! He would rather dream... Is there a difference between dream and reality? The answer again, is obvious... what I believe in, is real and the rest, a dream... so what would happen if I start believing in my dreams?


The answer to this question is not very obvious to me! Why? Because my brain is not prepared to handle the inevitable absurdity. I am bound to a structure. I am a part of a very hard-bound rigid state of mind, which I call reality.

How should I tell my brain to accept the dreams? I cant! Reaching a stage, where the absurdity is acceptable, would render the absurd, logical and the dream, real.

The unfolding of this absurd logic is what hereby I term as the paradox of my consciousness.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Write your heart out!

Most of us might be scared to do what we really, really want to do. But not everyone is! There are people who possess the courage to follow their dreams relentlessly. They believe in an idea and have the balls to kick the convention out and follow one's heart with complete conviction. Today we see a flood of ideas in the e-commerce industry but it is special when you choose and target the creative audience.

I am talking about It is a blogger's platform with the benefits of social networking added to it very cleverly. Stand alone blogs generally have to fight for an audience but not here. On WriterBabu you get to connect with others interested in writing. You can write your heart out and be sure that people would reach you through it. The most beautiful piece of writing more often than not comes straight from your heart. There are times when you do not know whether to share something too personal on your blog or not. Such feelings might never be written down and even if they are you might be sceptical in sharing them with the world and these special feelings end up in your personal diary just because you cant maintain your anonymity on the popular blogs but with WriterBabu you can reach out to the world and never let them know the source of the article. Thus granting you with the power of anonymity.

It appears to be a great initiative to bring the blogger community together. It is much more than what I have mentioned above. If you write or wish to do so, here is the perfect place!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

...all I can feel is the Honking!

The Mist,
the distant skyscrapers,
the honking cars
and the orange setting sun,
is all I see
when I stand at the window
of my solitude.

Now that orange has turned into red
Dark red
and it has set further,
the honking is still present,
very prominently audible
from where I stand!

The perfect red circle itself
has started fading,
making it difficult to envision
the distant scrapers.
The honking wont subside
and I am still here...
staring outside the window
of my solitude.

My confidence used to be
as bright as the sun,
my dreams,
as tall as those high-rises.
The honking will never go away.
Do I stand too high
to jump and still live?


and now that it has set,
dreams - blurred,
I think I shall take the leap,
not the one of faith.
finally, its dark...
and all I can feel is the honking!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


कैसा उलझा सा है मन,
कैसी राह चला जा रहा है?
समंदर के किनारे पहुँच कर,
लहरों से डरा जा रहा है|

कभी सीधा, कभी उल्टा,
भागता हि जा रहा है|
चढ़ती गिरती लहरों को देख 
और उलझता जा रहा है|

खुद हि बनाये थे वो रेत के किले
जिन्हें तोड़ता चला जा रहा है| 
दूर, सबसे दूर
बहुत दूर चला जा रहा है|

दिन रात सुबह शाम 
जाने क्यूँ सोचे जा रहा है?
पागल सा होके मन मेरा,
अकेला हि चला जा रहा है|  

अकेला हि चला जा रहा है|
अकेला हि चला जा रहा है||

- नितिन विषेन

Friday, April 29, 2011

Selfish enough to be myself?

I am scared;
scared to death.
I don't know of what?

I need money,
I need all that
I don't have!

I am scared;
scared like hell
I can't even listen to myself!

I just let them
do it for me.
I cant even decide for myself!

I cant speak,
cant think,
cant do anything!
You know why?
because I am scared to death!

Scared of life,
Scared of its direction,
Scared of my own self-esteem,
Scared I am!

I want to be great!
Don't you?
And I understand
minus passion
I cant be!

I think I know
what I want to do!
Then why do I waste time
doing things I don't know
I love or don't?

Will someday
I find the courage
to stand, to defy,
to reach out
and be myself!

Will someday
i do
what i want to
not for bread
not for you
for me....just for me....

Will one day
I be selfish enough
to be myself?

Will one day
I be selfish enough
and be myself?

Will one day
I be selfish enough
to be myself?